Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Gathering dates & times

Hello Everyone,
This message contains excerpts from a couple emails that were recently circulated regarding the most convenient times to meet. Although we encourage your attendance/participation at every gathering, we know its impossible. But hey! That's what this blog is all about! Making sure that YOU can always get (or give) the information that you need :)

from Jill Ambrus's email:
"We had one unfinished piece of business and that is when and where we meet again. I have some other individuals who would like to join us and couldn't. For some of them, it would help if we meet during a week night. I am out of town, as I mentioned, until August 11. Maybe we could meet the third or fourth week of August? That timing would give me a week or two to round up others who are interested. Could someone write down maybe four or five possible weeknights during the last two weeks of August that work for them and then we can pick the one that would be most attended.

Eventually, my hope is that we will continue to recruit additional members who represent a variety of diverse families and can meet on a regular basis with the end goals of being a voice on diversity issues that help lead, steer and guide the Elk River School District and our respective communities. My hope is also that along the way we will develop friendships that are rich and lasting. "

from Gwen Vetters's email:
"I too, look very forward to getting to know this group of parents and being a voice of reason and support to our community."

1 comment:

Mr Brown said...

I am open to meet at just about any time. I am not working this summer and my schedule is pretty wide open :)